frequently asked questions
Q: Where did the name “Meta” come from?
A: Metta is a Sanskrit word meaning loving-kindness, friendliness, benevolence, community, expansion and growth. It is the process of the process. Meta is a Greek prefix meaning to go beyond or to cause change. When creating the studio, we wanted to blend the essence of these two words together to create a transformative experience for both individuals and the overall community.
Meta (Metta) Yoga is the yoga of awareness, a powerful combination of asana, meditation, breath awareness, and intuitive healing. It is stillness (yin) and movement (yang) yoga, blending softness (sukha) and strength (sthira). You will be encouraged to compassionately explore your edge as you grow your practice, strengthen your body, expand your heart, and free your mind. You will be challenged and supported while reminded to bring your full attention to your body, your breath, and your inner teacher.
Q: What is Yoga?
A: There are many interpretations of Yoga. The word yoga means Union, to join of the individual consciousness or soul with the Universal Consciousness or Spirit. There are many styles of yoga to accomplish this transformation, but the thread that weaves these styles together is the roots of yoga stemming from an ancient Hindu science of the body and mind. Although many people think of yoga only as physical exercises, these are actually only the most superficial aspect of this profound science of unfolding the infinite potentials of the human mind and soul.
Yoga is not a religion; it is a philosophy that began in India approximately 5,000 years ago. It is not necessary to surrender your own religious beliefs to practice yoga. We honor and celebrate the diversity of our students.
Q: What if I don’t know the poses?
A: That is just fine. We don’t expect you to know. If you are a beginner to yoga, choose slower-paced classes to get to know the poses and the sequencing. If you are brand new to yoga, let your instructor know so they can be sure to offer cuing that will fit your level.
Q: Do I have to be in good shape to practice yoga?
A: No, come to yoga as you are now and grow from there. Yoga is about honoring and accepting precisely the space you are in at present and helping to support your exploration for further growth and development with whatever your personal goals are.
Q: Do I need to be flexible?
A: No, you do not need to be flexible. In fact, everyone who practices yoga is working on something, and a yoga class is the best place to be if you have discovered your flexibility is lacking. You should always listen to your body. In doing this, you will discover your limits while making personal physical goals to increase flexibility, strength, stamina, and muscle balance.
Q: Is hot yoga for everyone?
A: Yes and No. Newbies and individuals of all abilities are welcome in hot yoga classes. Hot classes are not recommended for children under 15 years old and pregnant individiuals.
According to The American College of Obstetricians + Gynecologists, heated and hot yoga classes are not recommended for pregnant individuals. A fetus offsets any excess heat and can cool down by sharing the heat with the body of their parent. When a pregnant individual has increased their full-body heat, it could cause a fetus to overheat. We highly recommend pregnant women seek other styles of yoga at our studios. Please call us if you need a recommendation!
Q: Do I have to be a member to attend or can I just drop into a class one time?
A: You can drop in for any class at our studio. We cater to visitors and locals alike. If you come more often, consider purchasing a punch pass or unlimited membership to optimize your cost per visit.
Q: Can I make class reservations for people other than myself?
A: Yes! Although there are several ways to enroll yourself, there is only one webpage where you can enroll other people for class: CLICK HERE. After you sign-in on this portal, you will have an option to sign other individuals up for class.