Crystal Connection | April 19-20 2025
Learn how to intentionally and meaningfully integrate crystals into life - whether that looks like self care or enhancing a holistic wellness practice and everything in between. Boost your confidence working with crystals, refine your intuition, and learn effective techniques of crystal work for yourself and others which are solely passed down through in-person training. This training counts towards 15 elective hours.

Yin Yoga Level I | May 18 2025
Looking for something more balanced than the fast and furious classes you're trained to teach? Be careful – Yin might change your life! This (1) day training provides you with an introduction to teaching yin yoga, is limited to (20) participants per level and is Yoga Alliance Certified for (8) CEUs.

Sequencing Strategies | May 31 - June 1 2025
Bring more awareness, skill and intention to your class sequencing in this (2) day training where you will learn how to plan, create and deliver potent and powerful yoga classes. Limited to (24) participants and Yoga Alliance certified for (12) CEU.

Teaching Hot Yoga | June 7-8 2025
Ready to support others in their love for heated and hot yoga classes? Wanting to add to your yoga teacher kit? This (2) day training provides you with an introduction to teaching hot yoga, is limited to (20) participants and towards (12) elective hours.

Pregnancy + Yoga | June 14 2025
Pregnancy is a normal condition of the adult human female, and the most common “condition” to walk into the yoga classroom. This training will walk you through the intersections of yoga and pregnancy, helping to build a toolbox for welcoming these individuals with confidence. Yoga Alliance Certified for (5) CEUs.

Inspiration | Click to Request
Everything around you has the capacity to inspire you and can become a relevant teaching. In this module, we'll review classical Yogic texts, Hindu mythology, Indian Culture, and how to avoid cultural appropriation when delivering these teachings. One of the (4) core modules, this course is required for Meta’s Advance YTT.

Authenticity | Click to Request
Authenticity asks you to get into the deep well of who you are and what you are here to teach. What is the role of a teacher? In this module you will define truth, safety, vulnerability, credibility, boundaries, and unpack the Polyvagal theory and Trauma-Sensitive techniques. One of the (4) core modules, this course is required for Meta’s Advance YTT.

Confidence | Click to Request
Teachers must balance confidence with humility in order to be of service (and most of us could use a boost in confidence). In this module, you'll explore koshas, resilience, voice, intuition, holding space, adaptability and unpack imposter syndrome. One of the (4) core modules, this course is required for Meta’s Advance YTT.

Commitment | Click to Request
With a higher level of training and a call to be of service, comes the need for commitment. In this module, we explore the four pathways of yoga, the lifecycle of a yogi & teacher, scientific approaches to meditation, rejection, cognitive bias, and educational theory, as well as how to respect our teachers as we take the seat. One of the (4) core modules, this course is required for Meta’s Advance YTT.